Who are these guys, anyway?
Public records show that Broken’s mom married Caffiene’s father (his 3rd marriage, her 6th) when both were 9 years old. Police reports from the following 12 months show 15 cases of Juvenile on Juvenile domestic disturbances and 35 noise complaints of loud and violent music. A year later, both parents went out for cigarettes and never returned. The blurred recounting of the following decades are a whirlwind snapped bones, near overdoses and rock and roll.
Perhaps that is what makes Gibberish’s music so raw and energetic. Perhaps not. Since both Broken and Caffiene separately claim 100 percent writer’s credit, fans may just have to guess who or what makes the music so good. One thing is clear, the songs Joe Broken and Jimmy Caffiene make together is an exact parallel of their relationship: Volatile, Dangerous and Entertaining as Fuck.”